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You or the market?

Demand more from ideas

Grow your fashion business with people who aren’t afraid of making your competitors shake.

Let's talk!
dla działów strategii
for marketing department
for sales department
for product department

How we work?

Step 1.

Business Maturity Audit

At this stage, we always work together, in a workshop setting. Together we will look for solutions to the challenge that is currently most important for your company. The collected information will be used to define strategies and cooperation framework.

Why this way?
We have developed such a multi-threaded, at the same time active, analysis during countless conversations with Polish and foreign companies. Thanks to this, the ideas we propose are not detached from your situation and possibilities, and cooperation with us is effective.

What do we learn?
You gain concepts that respond to your current business challenge, arguments for changes, an action map, you also have the opportunity to justify your budget decisions and evaluate our work. We map your ecosystem, verify the operation of your team and assess your organization's readiness for further cooperation.

The cost of the audit itself is PLN 10,957 net (group of up to 12 people). This price does not include travel costs. All the details are priced individually.

Sounds fair!

What's next?

Step 2.

Service Subscription

(possible after completing step 1 and qualifying)

Every month, a dedicated specialist explores global markets to discover new needs, opportunities, and possibilities for your company. It inspires new initiatives, products, services, experiences, and campaigns. We are adapting each idea to your current situation and needs. Our goal is to constantly build your company's competitive advantage and indicate development directions.

Why this way?
Every business needs a constant source of concepts consistent with the market situation, and trends, but also the company's goals, ideas tailored to the product portfolio and brand image, as well as resources and vision.

What do you gain?
Pozwolimy Ci w pełni wykorzystać potencjał rynku, dostarczymy Ci konkretnych i przemyślanych pomysłów gotowych do wdrożenia. A także wesprzemy pomysłami, gdy wdrożenie nie przebiega tak jak powinno lub gdy masz gotową koncepcję, która wymaga walidacji. W każdej sytuacji patrzymy na temat z różnych perspektyw: finansowej, technologicznej, zwrotu z inwestycji, infrastruktury wewnętrznej firmy, spójności z brandingiem i celami, trudności wdrożenia, jak i potencjalnych korzyści.

Koszt od 3 500 netto miesięcznie (dedykowany doradca i comiesięczny raport, z opcją na konsultację instruktażową z sesją Q&A i/lub zapytania specjalne). Szczegóły?

Make it double!

Additional services

Executive Consulting

A proposition for top management who know that growth is necessary and want to hear the truth about what is necessary to achieve it.

Development trips

The aim of the trip is not only integration and inspiration, but above all, developing solutions for the Client's business. Depending on the group's development needs, we select the place, style and level of physical and mental effort of the trip, as well as specific tasks performed during the trip.


Innovation Director

This service is primarily about leading project teams working on innovations at all stages of its development, supporting an innovative way of thinking as well as playing an active role in building an innovative community in the company.




Our training is not a monologue of the speaker, but a dialogue with the audience, joint voting on the presented theses, and original debates. All supported by the host's natural sense of humor, sarcasm, and controversy.



We help recruit the best creative brains. We support you in defining the needs, required competencies, and management methods that support your organization's culture.

Project Owner

Z doświadczenia wiemy, że można wypracować najlepsze koncepcje, dobrać wspaniałe narzędzia pracy, jednak nie zawsze poszczególne składniki działają w realu jako jeden spójny system napędzający rozwój. Dlatego oferujemy usługę Project Owner-a. Osoba ta wchodzi w biznes Klienta, trzyma w ryzach cały proces i dba o to by to co ustalamy było na bieżąco wdrażane.


Everything starts with a conversation

Order a free consultation, just click the button below and leave your email. One of our specialists will contact you.

We have a loan in Swiss francs, we work quickly 😉